Jason Christopher Higgins

Beauty Resides Where the Spirit Dwells


Beauty Resides Where the Spirit Dwells 〰️

“I have a 3rd degree black belt, and have practiced martial arts for over 10 years now.”

- Fun Fact about Jason

Artist statement

This body of work dives into the nuances of gender, representation, and social norms, through photography and performance. My images are mainly based on my own experiences; struggling to make a home in my body, idolizing & replicating Western ideals of masculinity, and the subtle contradictions between my childhood interests and gender presentation. I also lean into masculine stereotypes to comment on systemic issues that stem from privilege. In others, I twist those stereotypes to something that might live within an uncanny valley. I look at the ways that gender has perforated the world; imposing masculinity or femininity onto mundane non-gendered activities like skateboarding or changing tires. 

My life leading up to the start of my transition informed how I chose to present myself. The misogyny I experienced as a child alone was enough to influence how I navigate the world today and have made me hyper-aware of my masculine presence - as well as its potential to cause harm. Walking too close or too fast behind someone could be perceived as a threat; a graze or glance has the potential to cause discomfort and/or distress.  Had I not experienced the other side of this gaze and unwanted touch, I do not think I would have had my eyes open to the way some people in society use gender as a mechanism for control. I look to queer artists such as Elle Pérez, Marvel Harris, Texas Isiah, Richard Rinaldi, Cai Quirk, and many more to carry on the conversations about queerness and gender they have started. They all convey experiences with gender through direct and indirect symbols. Sometimes, there is no explicit subject that points to an image being about gender, and other times it is very much in your face. 

This project is not just about a masculine transgender experience, but about the hegemony of gender and masculinity that has dominated our culture. I aim to depict everyday moments and staged performances that show how gender is much more intertwined with every second of our lives than we might originally be led to believe. By setting unspoken rules about how a man or a woman is supposed to look/act, those in power can continue to oppress minority communities. With these images, I aim to break beyond the surface level of gender expression; exposing the layers of nuance and fluidity that break the arbitrary restraints placed on gender.


Enfield, CT now Boston based

Jason Christopher Higgins (he/they) is a transgender Boston-based artist. His work is driven by personal experiences and the desire to explore gender, neurodiversity, and childhood. They aim to change and challenge how others view the world through his work, often highlighting the mundane and uplifting underrepresented communities. 

Jason is pursuing a dual major BFA in Art Education & Photography at Massachusetts College of Art and Design.  They have significant experience teaching art to students from diverse backgrounds. He has also been featured in several exhibitions, including Echoes of Belonging at the Pitcher-Goff House and The Wildest Most Beautiful Ugly from The Too Tired Project.